Blue Envelope

The Dutch tax office (Belastingdienst) still sends important tax information and requests per domestic mail in typical blue tax envelopes. You can easily lose track of the correspondence with the Dutch Tax Office when changing from home address, both inside and outside the Netherlands. Missing these letters can lead to expensive penalties and missing out on refunds. For just € 129 per year, we'll be your blue envelope repository so you never have to worry about your tax correspondence. We simply email you the information and requests from the Belastingdienst. Translate it into plain English and advise you what to do. The original paper letters we post on your online and secure MyBlue Page.

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Avoid penalties. Stay connected.

Moving? Freshly arrived in the Netherlands? Leaving the Netherlands? All potential risks for getting disconnected with the Dutch Tax Office. Information requests and  important updates are sent to you by regular mail to the last address known by the Dutch Tax Office. Not having received a tax letter is no valid excuse for the Dutch Tax Office. Penalties and missed refunds are one of the more costly results.

Fortunately there is an easy and cost effective way to stay tax compliant. For only € 129 per year we keep you connected with the Dutch Tax Office. Wherever you move, inside or outside of the Netherlands, your online Dutch tax mail will follow you. We send you – in plain English and per email – personal and important requests from the Dutch Tax Office.  A copy of the original Tax Office letter will be placed into a virtual P.O. box on your MyBlue Page.

Not only will you avoid missing deadlines and expensive tax penalties. You will also have a clear understanding of requests from the Dutch Tax Office, since we translate the letters in plain English. Even if you master a reasonable level of Dutch, you risk misinterpreting the message. Our Blue Envelope service avoids any of these risks. And if you still have questions about Dutch Tax Office request, just ask us! We are here to help you and advise you on your situation. Reassurance at no additional cost.