International Organizations

Employees of International Organizations, Diplomatic Missions, and Consular Posts

If you are an employee with a privilege residential status, such as employees of international organizations, diplomatic missions, and consular posts, you may be exempted from some local regulations or your local regulations may apply differently for you. Your first point of contact is the Protocol Desk of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Please refer to below protocol guide for more information or contact us for more information. 

Protocol guide for international organizations

This Protocol Guide is issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of our efforts to be a transparent and good host to our distinguished guests. It contains practical information based on the Dutch authorities and interpretation of the rules for privileged persons.

Download Protocol Guide International Organizations (January 2020)

Protocol guide for diplomatic missions and consular posts

This Protocol Guide is issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of our efforts to be a transparent and good host to our distinguished guests. It contains practical information based on the Dutch authorities and interpretation of the rules for privileged persons.

Download Protocol Guide Diplomatic Missions and Consular Posts (January 2020)