Filing tax returns late

What if you're late filing your tax return?

No fine will be issued to you initially. You will first receive a reminder from the Dutch Tax Office asking you to still file a tax return. After that, you have to file your tax return within the deadline mentioned in the reminder letter. From this point on, you can no longer request a postponement without a written reason, in addition, the tax authorities may reject a request for postponement next year. 

No tax return after the reminder

If you still do not file a tax return after the tax reminder letter, a formal notice will follow. The tax return must then be received by the tax authorities within 10 working days after the date on the formal notice. If you comply, you will still be able to avoid a fine for filing your tax return late.After this deadline, the Dutch Tax Office will issue you a penalty of € 385 for filing your taxes late. If this happens more than once, this fine can even amount to € 5.514.

No tax return at all

If you do not file a tax return at all, the Dutch Tax Office will make its own estimate of your income. An assessment will be made based on this estimate. The fee for filing your tax return late comes on top of this.

Need help calculating and filing your income tax return?