Rent allowance

Rent benefit (huurtoeslag) is a state contribution towards renting your home. The housing benefit is income-dependent and available for Dutch residents in rental accommodation. 

The rent benefit (huurtoeslag) is provided by the Dutch tax office and assessed according to your rental costs, income, savings and number of roommates. Lower-income renters receive more help.

Income ceiling

There used to be an income ceiling, determined by your box 1, 2 and 3 income combined. As of 1 January 2020, there are no income limits for the rent benefit. Instead, it is determined according to your rent, your age and the composition of your household.

Rent ceiling for rent allowance

A rent ceiling (the maximum rent plus service cost of your home) determines whether you qualify for the rent allowance. If your rent, including service costs, is above the set limit, you cannot claim Dutch housing benefit. The maximum is set annually by the Dutch government. For 2024, the rent ceiling is €879.66. This ceiling is reduced to €454.47 if all occupants of the rental accommodation are younger than 23 years (if you are younger than 23 and taking care of your own child at your own home, then different conditions can apply).

Update rent allowance 2024

Your home

To qualify, your rental home should have its own front door (with a lock) and be equipped with a kitchen and bathroom. Some rentals, such as holiday chalets and houseboats are excluded.